Reader’s Nook: QA with Lu J Whitley


Image Source: Flickr

Bio: Lu J Whitley is a full-time writer and self-professed oddball. She lives a quiet life in the mid-Midwest with her geeky, roboticist husband and four-legged children.
You can find anything else you’d like to know on her website:

1. Name 5-10 of your most favourite books

The Book of Three – Lloyd Alexander
The Silmarillion – JRR Tolkein
My Sweet Audrina – VC Andrews
House of Thunder – Dean Koontz
AS I Lay Dying – William Faulkner
Me Talk Pretty One Day – David Sedaris

2. A book that you have re-read the most

The ENTIRE Chronicles of Prydain series by Lloyd Alexander. No matter how old I get, I still read them just about every other year, and I enjoy them every time.

3. Favourite authors and why

All the authors listed in my favorite books above. I love authors that can give so many different emotions in their writing that they transcend genre. They’re don’t stick with just fantasy or horror or romance. They’re all those things wrapped into one with a little humor on the side.

4. Genre you dislike

Memoirs. Biographies. Any dry nonfiction. But there are exceptions to every rule.

5. Character crush

Jericho Barrons from Karen Marie Moning’s Fever Series & Malaq Roarke from CL SChneider’s Crown of Stones series. Swoon.

6. Character you strongly identify with

Dane Valentine from Lillith Saintcrow’s Dante Valentine series. She’s a loner. A lot messed up. And she doesn’t take crap from anyone.

7. One character you want to bring to the real world

The genie from 1001 Arabian Nights… Who couldn’t use 3 wishes?

8. What is your ideal reading space/environment

Anywhere quiet and comfortable. But if it’s a good book, I could read it on an airport runway and not notice a thing.

9. Must-have books in a collection

The Chronicles of Prydain series – Lloyd Alexander
The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, & The Lord of the Rings Series – JRR Tolkein
The Dollenganger Series – VC Andrews

10.Earliest memory of books and reading

My second grade teacher accusing my mom of lying about how many books I read when she had to hand out all my Book-It certificates for free personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut. Lol. I ate A Lot of pizza in grade school.

11. Weirdest book or reading experience

I bought a book at a book rummage sale that looked interesting but ended up being a TRUE STORY about a scientist being seduced by and having sex with a dolphin… I’m still a little traumatized.

This was one set of great answers 🙂 If you too want to participate in Readers’ Nook , do comment or drop me an email.

16 thoughts on “Reader’s Nook: QA with Lu J Whitley

  1. Pingback: Re-Blog This! Indie Author Interview Collection | The Dichotomous Author

  2. Pingback: Mistral Dawn Muses on Me | The Little Star

  3. Pingback: Mistral Dawn Muses on Me ⋆ The Little Star

  4. Nicely done! LuJWhitley. I’ve read most of V.C. Andrews books, too. Virginia and I once share the same agent. She spent a great portion of her life bedridden with a severe chronic bone disease, but her imagination was sensational.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: A Chat in the Reader's Nook ⋆ The Little Star

  6. Pingback: A Chat in the Reader’s Nook | The Little Star

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