Reader’s Nook: QA with Michelle

Image Source: Flickr

Image Source: Flickr

Bio: Michelle is a soon-to-be journalism student, aspiring writer and bookworm. She is very curious and righteous and wants to make a difference in the world, through journalism and writing, as the latter is her passion. It’s her dream to one day find her own books in the bookstore, and that these books can be for her readers what Harry Potter is for her.
She blogs at mainly about books and writing, but now and then there are posts about her personal life and her other passions, like all things Japan, Disney, certain tv shows, games, food, music… But in the end it all comes back to reading and writing books.

1. Name 5-10 of your most favourite books

Bless you for allowing me to name more than one haha. I mean Harry Potter will always be my ultimate favourite, but I have so many more: Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Throne of Glass, The Lunar Chronicles, The Shadowhunter Chronicles (major cheating here as this consists multiple series but ssh), The Picture of Dorian Gray, Alice in Wonderland and Fangirl. I cheated a lot since most of these are series, but oh well! I already left out a few that I didn’t want to leave out haha. 

2. A book that you have re-read the most
Harry Potter. I’m not sure, but I think that out of the entire series I’ve reread Philosopher’s Stone the most.
3.Favourite authors and why
I’m going with my two favourite authors: J.K. Rowling for making my childhood so much more magical and being a great inspiration, both writing and person-wise. Rick Riordan for his brilliant way of interweaving myths into our modern world and his great sense of humor (which is a lot like mine). Of course I have many more, but I don’t want to bore you all haha. 

4. Genre you dislike
I think erotica. I’ve never read it, but for my Dutch class I had to read quite a bit of literature that had very graphic scenes in it and that wasn’t even considered erotica. If I didn’t like reading those scenes, then I highly doubt I’ll enjoy erotica!

5. Character crush
Haha *enrolls huge list*. I don’t think it’s possible to have only one character crush (if you do I admire you). I’m going to go with Étienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss as I’ve recently reread it and once I again I found myself screaming ‘WHERE IS MY ST. CLAIR’. Mind you I don’t yell this out loud. What would the neighbours think!

6. Character you strongly identify with
Hermione Granger and Cath from Fangirl. Hermione is not just a bookworm, she’s also very serious about her studies which I can relate to. People bully her because of this, but she overcame this and became a wonderful inspiration for little me who was also bullied for the same reason. Cath is also a bookworm, but she’s also a fangirl and a writer. She also deals with anxiety and doesn’t do well in social situations (reading Fangirl was like reading about my life, minus college, minus a twin, minus being famous in a fandom/on and sadly minus Levi). 

7.One character you want to bring to the real world
ONE? JUST ONE?! I was going to go with Hermione, but then I realised that Cath and I could be writer buddies: beta-ing each other, writing stories together, talking about our stories etc. And as much as I love Hermione, it’d be nice to have a real-life writer friend!

8. What is your ideal reading space/environment
My bed and with not too much noise. I don’t need complete quiet, but I don’t need a concert near me either!

9. Must-have books in a collection
In general? Or for me? I have to admit that whenever I see pictures of peoples shelves I immediately start looking for Harry Potter haha, so I guess Harry is a must for me. But of course I won’t hate you if you don’t have Harry on your shelves! 

10.Earliest memory of books and reading
I sort of remember my grandmother and mother reading to me, but it’s a very vague memory so I can’t say that much about it.

11. Weirdest book or reading experience
Weirdest book… Hmm, I’m sure I’ve read weird books but right now none come to mind! A weird reading experience… Last year when I read The Picture of Dorian Gray I read that Dorian (I think? I’m not sure which character it was, but I think it was him) was planting puppies instead of poppies (which makes a lot more sense of course). I don’t know if that counts as a weird reading experience, but that’s what I thought of! 

This was from Michelle and she got 100 points for Hufflepuff 😀 Want to be a part of this series? Feel free to comment and let me know 🙂

4 thoughts on “Reader’s Nook: QA with Michelle

  1. I approve of your character crush. St. Clair is an excellent crush to have I loved him in the series. Especially at the end of the book I mean talk about the sweetest thing ever. I think that was the moment that made me love him a lot. 🙂

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